Portrait of the Abbot de L'Épée, lithograph, 18th century

On the sheet, inside a neoclassical frame, the representation of sign language: each position of the hand corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. Above the frame is a half-bust of Charles-Michel de l'Épée (Versailles 1712 – Paris 1789), a French priest and educator known as the father of sign language. He founded the first public Institute for the Deaf and Mute in Paris, recognized by the State at the time when Louis XVI reigned and he always supported the importance of mimicry related to the spoken word. Around the portrait is engraved: "Gloire à l'Abbé de l'Épée createur de l'education des sourds muets". Beyond the frame below: “L’Ecriture manual/Ou la veritable manner d’approndre en une heure à converser/avec les Sourds-Muets de tous les pays civilisès; when I get the habit of being able to speak as promptly as the words”. The leaflet must certainly have been printed to spread and make known the use of sign language. Under the frame we read "with permission", it is therefore an authorized edition, it indicates the license, the copyright. In good condition except for creases and traces of wear.
ID: 11318-1725377584-102146