9 Parisian and Milanese fashion prints, 19th century

Nine prints with nineteenth-century fashion plates. Pages of fashion magazines from Paris and Milan. "Le moniteur de la mode. Journal du Gran Monde", published in Paris since 1843. Very refined color prints, created by the artist Jules David (signed) who illustrates accurate settings and scenography, with details of furniture, backgrounds and poses . The visual rendering of the different materials and cuts is also very accurate. For each model, the suppliers of accessories and services (hats, jewellery, fans, gloves, veils...) are listed. The "Corriere delle dame" published in Milan, in vicolo S. Fedele, since 1804. Until 1875 (one of the longest-running women's magazines) it was an entertainment and fashion periodical which, among the first, also touched on topics related to art, reading, theater and politics. Prints were created from copper engravings and featured elegant and fashionable patterns and sketches, with attention to detail in lace and materials. These prints are all from 1846. "Journal de damoiselles" founded in Paris in 1833. Intended for young ladies between 14 and 18 years old, it shows very accurate and elegant models, in meticulous poses, situations and settings. Some prints are glued to cardstock with a line of glue at the top of the page.
ID: 72027-1730132721-107914