Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century

Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 16
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 1
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 2
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 3
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 4
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 5
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 6
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 7
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 8
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 9
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 10
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 11
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 12
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 13
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 14
Sibille, pair of Italian oil paintings on canvas, 17th century 15

Item price

€ 70,000.00

Discount price

€ 52,500.00


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PLATINUM Seller in Cuneo, Italy

Item description

Rare pair of Italian paintings from the second half of the seventeenth century. Oil works on canvas depicting two splendid female figures recognizable thanks to the inscriptions below (see photo), the Sibyl delic, linked to the oracle of Apollo in Delphi and the Cumana Sibyl, prophetess of the Campania area. Both are presented by bust with an open book on the womb, an iconographic attribute typical of the sibyls and symbol of their prophetic role. The pose is graceful and the incarnate pearly, while the gaze turns in opposite directions, one contemplative and the other inspired. Paintings of remarkable pictorial quality, in particular the surrender of the drapery must be underlined, divided into large backgrounds of color and full of transparencies. The use of dark funds, even if opened by glimpses of landscape light, make the figures even more alive and the chromatic palette more heated. The paintings have two small wooden chopsticks, with some signs of time. Paintings already restored with Rintelo, replacement of the frame and color recovery in small points. Overall in good conservative state. (The two works are currently not accompanied by Expertise, but it is possible to obtain it upon payment of the related additional costs). Light paintings H 131.5 x L 99.5 cm.

ID: 2102-1743077312-120160

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Item sizes

134 cm


102 cm


3 cm


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