Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s

Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184163
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184148
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184149
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184150
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184151
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184152
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184153
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184154
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184155
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184156
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184157
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184158
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184159
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184160
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184161
Abstractism geometric style painting oil on canvas, 60s 1184162

Item price

€ 650.00


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SILVER Seller in Prato, Italy

Item description

Painting in oil on canvas. The author used traditional brushes distributing the colors in a uniform and pleasant way, the artist's pictorial style is inspired by Abstractism. Abstract art is one that does not represent reality, but creates images that express concepts through the combination of shapes, colors, and lines, abstractionism increasingly simplifies the image, to the point of making it unrecognizable, entrusting individual colors with meanings that can no longer be read without explanation, clearly stating that art must not imitate reality. The work in question is inspired by Geometric Abstractism, where the geometric aspect of the shapes prevails, though barely hinted at and not well defined, but with the use of primary colors. The painting is not signed and we are not able to give information about the author, but we confirm its extraordinary aesthetic and engaging vivacity, a work that with its joyful freshness and high decorative effect lends itself easily to furnish any room in the home. Made in France between 1960 and 1968. To finish the canvas has been added, in recent times, a small handmade wooden frame painted gold.

ID: 4672-1610376553-13890

Item details










Time period



Item sizes

60 cm


59 cm


2 cm


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