U-452 sideboard by Jiri Jiroutek for Interiér Praha, 1960s

Sideboard mod. U-452 by Jiri Jiroutek for Interiér Praha made in the former Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. Cabinet with sliding doors in beech, veneer, plywood and laminate. Fully restored. The cabinet is part of the famous Universal (U-450) series, designed in 1958 for the Czechoslovak national company Interiér Praha by Czech designer Jiří Jiroutek. The success of the Czech pavilion at EXPO 58 in Brussels was followed by the rise of the modernist style (called "Brussels style" in Czechoslovakia). One of the most prominent representatives of the Brussels style are the U-450 series cabinets and drawer units with typical pastel colors and sloping legs. In Czechoslovakia of the 1960s and 1970s these pieces of furniture could be found in almost every modern home. These were unique not only in design but also in their technological innovation, which enabled their mass production and availability at a time when there was a huge demand for furniture in Czechoslovakia. These cabinets were among the first to be made from prefabricated parts, with which they were then assembled. The same technological process allowed furniture prices to fall and companies such as IKEA to expand.
ID: 10737-1697572230-74017