Giovanni Fattori, The black dog, etching on zinc plate, late 19th century

Giovanni Fattori, The black dog, etching on zinc plate, late 19th century 1
Giovanni Fattori, The black dog, etching on zinc plate, late 19th century 2
Giovanni Fattori, The black dog, etching on zinc plate, late 19th century 3

Item price

€ 1,700.00


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SILVER Seller in Milano, Italy

Item description

Giovanni Fattori (Leghorn 1825 - Florence 1908) painter and engraver. He is above all remembered as one of the main exponents of the Macchiaioli movement and as a leading artist in the 19th century, as well as a prolific engraver with a lively and highly personal sign. Fattori used to print his works himself using a small press, executing irregular runs often characterised by a search for chiaroscuro effects and a skilful use of glazing. The specimens of the same plate are therefore often different, brighter and more attentive to the effects of light in the prints made by the author, less warm and sharper in those printed at the chalcography. Portraits, military subjects, evidence of his interest in the events of the Risorgimento, animals of the countryside and glimpses of everyday life are the subjects that engage him most. This print depicts a glimpse of a village: along a road bordered on the right by profiles of houses and on the left by a tree-lined meadow, a semi-recumbent dog keeps watch hidden in the shadows. The specimen has been printed with particular attention to the glazing that accentuates the image in the shaded parts, and through a backlight effect, foliage, trunks and the dog take on a compact plastic vigour: the typical Macchiaioli language. Impression similar to the specimen in the Franconi collection in the 2nd state after the plate was cut along the white band of three centimetres to the left that formed a sort of backdrop beyond which the scene unfolds (a specimen of the 1st state is in the Rosselli Fund). Excellent impression on ivory paper. Very good condition except for trace of horizontal crease. Signature in plate bottom left. Size: mm 178 x 98; sheet mm 405 x 215. Bibliography: Bonagura n. 40; Baboni-Malesci, Tav. L; Baboni, 32.

ID: 11318-1700587767-77055

Item details










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Item sizes

40.5 cm


21.5 cm


1 cm


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