Item description
In the enchanting year of 1994, a Barbie doll emerged, not as a mere toy, but as a living legend. She embodied the timeless glamor of Hollywood, capturing the essence of Scarlett O'Hara from "Gone with the Wind" with exquisite grace. This Barbie, part of the Hollywood Legends Collection, is a true jewel that invites you to take a step back in time to the golden age of cinema. Wrapped in an iconic green dress with cascading pleats, this Scarlett O'Hara Barbie is a testament to the mastery of doll making. Her ensemble is nothing short of gorgeous, adorned with delicate gold accents that sparkle like the stars in the night sky. A matching green hat rests on her perfectly styled hair, a touch of elegance. But it is in her eyes that the true magic of this Barbie comes to life. Her eyelashes, finely crafted, seem so real that they can flutter with a simple breath. These details are not only handcrafted, but are a testament to the dedication to capturing the essence of a beloved character. What sets this Barbie apart is not only the exquisite clothing and meticulous details, but also the fact that she has remained intact, with the box unopened. She waited, hidden in her golden haven, preserving the magic of her pristine state, like a time capsule of a bygone era.
ID: 36842-1706883630-82035
Item details
Item sizes
35.5 cm
27.5 cm
8 cm
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