Etienne Delaune, Musique, burin engraving, 1569

Etienne Delaune, Musique, burin engraving, 1569 1
Etienne Delaune, Musique, burin engraving, 1569 2
Etienne Delaune, Musique, burin engraving, 1569 3

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€ 120.00


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SILVER Seller in Milano, Italy

Item description

Burin engraving "Musique" by Etienne Delaune (Paris, 1519 – Paris, 1583), 1569. Delaune was a French designer, goldsmith and engraver remembered as a medalist. He began to devote himself to engraving in 1557 by executing a series of twelve plates illustrating the Old Testament. He was an engraver translating from the models of the Italian artists of the Fontainebleau school such as Rosso Fiorentino, Nicolò dell'Abate and above all Luca Penni. Calvinist involved in the events of the night of St. Bartholomew, he was forced to leave Paris in 1572. He will be active in Augsburg and Strasbourg. His engravings have a format and style that is influenced by his training as a goldsmith. Table no. 10 of the series of twelve entitled "Suite des Arts Libéraux". To the depictions of the seven liberal arts, we add Physics, Jurisprudence and Theology, an allegory of Minerva and one of Wisdom. Inside an oval, a full-figured woman, with her breasts exposed and a flowing dress, is busy playing the cymbals. Sheet music and musical instruments surround her, on the right a vine hedge closes the scene, on the left a small house with a man and a dog, beyond on the sea a sailing boat with a man. The series derives from the lost models of Baptiste Pellerin. Delaune's models were very widespread at the time, they were used as models for enamels in Limoges, wood carvings or lapis lazuli (now in the Louvre). Inside the oval engraved "SF 1569"; beyond the oval at the bottom left "85", in pen in ancient script at the bottom left. Excellent impression, intense blacks. More complete example than those preserved in the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert. Excellent state of conservation, minimal margins. Bibliography: Robert-Dumesnil 1865, IX, 56.176. Le Blanc, 1856 II, p. 504, n. 156-171. Julie Rohou, La Fabrique des modèles: Etienne Delaune et les arts décoratifs de la Renaissance. Pollet, Christophe, Les gravures d'Etienne Delaune, doctoral thesis under the direction of Professor Albert Châtelet, Strasbourg, Université des Sciences Humaines, 1995 (T.I, p. 441-442).

ID: 11318-1715594894-90536

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Item sizes

5.3 cm


3.8 cm


1 cm


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