Wool Theorem rug by Natuzzi

Theorem rug in 100% wool by Natuzzi. Excellent thick and compact item in two shades of gray that give a chiaroscuro effect with checked designs. Wool fibres, by virtue of their flexible structure, have good thermoregulatory properties. Through their vaporous structure they are able to retain humidity, then releasing it later. An additional reason for purchasing a wool carpet is its ability to spontaneously regulate the climate of an environment, additionally neutralizing bad odors. All these qualities make wool fiber simply perfect for making carpets. Being very elastic, but at the same time stable, it always manages to regain its original shape even after being subjected to heavy loads; not even the presence of heavy furniture on the surface of the carpet could alter its structure. The resistance to dirt makes wool carpets absolutely ideal for interior design.
ID: 74658-1717757071-93703