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intOndo Magazine

Antique silver items and modern design: tips for perfect harmony

Antique silver items, with their timeless elegance and the rich history they carry, have the power to enrich any room. Whether finely crafted flatware, sumptuous candelabras or elegant mirrors, these pieces can add a touch of historic charm to contemporary spaces. However, to keep them in excellent condition and successfully integrate them into a modern home, it is essential to adopt the right conservation practices and consider a few design tricks.

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Moodboard / Christmas in 1923

An imaginary room dedicated to Christmas set in a past era, which inspires vintage atmospheres for the upcoming festive season.

Vintage lasts forever

«This is nobility for me: non-obviousness, attention to detail, intelligent economy» - Umberto Riva, architect and designer.

Moodboard / Marie Antoinette

"In idleness, in dreams, the submerged truth sometimes comes to the surface" Virginia Woolf, writer

Moodboard | Reorganization time

«My nature is inclined to contemplation» - Giorgio Morandi, artist.

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«The most resistant element is not concrete, not wood, not stone, not steel, not glass. The strongest building material is art» - Gio Ponti, architect and designer.