Steel and glass oval dining table by Vittorio Introini for Saporiti, 1970s

Steel and glass oval dining table by Vittorio Introini for Saporiti, 1970s 5
Steel and glass oval dining table by Vittorio Introini for Saporiti, 1970s 1
Steel and glass oval dining table by Vittorio Introini for Saporiti, 1970s 2
Steel and glass oval dining table by Vittorio Introini for Saporiti, 1970s 3
Steel and glass oval dining table by Vittorio Introini for Saporiti, 1970s 4

Item price

€ 7,500.00


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SILVER Seller in Pistoia, Italy

Item description

A very rare dining table with a beautiful steel base and an oval-shaped thick glass top, designed by Vittorio Introini and produced by Saporiti in the 1970s. Vittorio Introini is an Italian designer and artist of post-war and contemporary art born in 1935. His works were presented at the KANAL exhibition at the Pompidou Centre in Paris. An architect and passionate designer, Vittorio Introini began his design work in the 1960s. The charge of innovation and change in his architectural and design works comes from his rich cultural background and breadth of cultural and architectural references. His language combines several elements including individual creativity, subjectivity of compositional systems and knowledge of new materials. Introini's design activity began in the twilight of the Modern Movement due to the ideological contradictions of its many components. The role of Internationalism and Anti-historicism are crucial in his works. The decisive renewal came with the contribution of Ernesto N. Rogers, who made it possible to acquire, in advance of the international conservative critics, an awareness of the individuality of cultures and places as an antithesis to the aforementioned Movements. The concept of 'context' opened new analytical horizons progressively extended from urban morphology and semiology to the design method. Introini's design, in tune with the Neo-rationalism of Rosso's derivation, can be traced back to the following principles: typology, syntax, language.

ID: 6186-1683119410-62738

Item details





Very good





Time period



Item sizes

73 cm


210 cm


120 cm


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